Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wrapping up ECDC Service Project

This past friday i was able to go into Mrs. Reynolds classroom and work with a few groups to complete their projects. I worked with two young boys, Ramiro and Mason that had frogs as an animal. I had tremedous help from Delmy and Jessica. I was able to help the boys get all their information transposed to the voicethread. I did have to go to work so Jessica helped wrapp things up. They were excited to piece everything together and hear their voices go together with their voicethread. The service project helped me and the students become better equipped with voicethread.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Service Project

Well i have not met face to face with the ecde students yet but i will meet with them on Friday. The students that we are working are doing there project on the Beetle. The project is coming along quite well. My role in my group is the one of the online person. The students have already completed their research and are eager to see the finished project. Our project should be wrapping up soon. The animal nine blog is coming along quite well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Digital Storytelling: This revolves around the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of digital multimedia, such as images, audio, and video.
Student Literacies:

Digital literacy- the ability to communicate with an ever-expanding community to discuss issues, gather information, and seek help

Global literacy- the capacity to read, interpret, respond, and contextualize messages from a global perspective

Technology literacy- the ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning, productivity, and performance; students who create digital sotries improve their skills by using software that combines a variety of multimedia tools including working with text, still images, audio, video and oftentimes, Web publishing.

Visual literacy- the ability to understand, produce and communicate through visual images

Information literacy- the ability to find, evaluate and synthesize information

There are three different types of Storytelling:

Personal narratives- stories that contain accounts of significant incidents in one’s life

Historical documentaries- stories that examine dramatic events that help us understand the past

Stories designed to inform and instruct the viewer on a particular concept or practice

7 Steps of Digital Storytelling:

Point of view- is how an individaulpercieves information
Emotional content- I see this as what can link the material to a student through personal expericence
The gift of your voice- Our voice is sound and the sounds make words...Our voice conveys a message that is important
The power of the soundtrack- The music in a vido essentally brings it to life... it gives a sense of emotion.
Economy- This basically is a run down of information
Pacing – putting the information in the right order and making sure everything is done at the right time